Conclusion: The lesson from Paul

Religious charlatans keep multiplying by the day and are now synergising with the politicians to run various African societies aground; Nigeria as a country, as always, have got a lion share of this tragedy.

Personality cult worship is one of the greatest threats to the practice of the Christian faith in this part of the world.

It is holding not just the faith itself but the society to ransom and tearing it to pieces. This is why religious charlatans keep multiplying by the day and are now synergising with the politicians to run various African societies aground. Nigeria as a country, as always, have got a lion share of this tragedy. While the people may sometimes for any reason fall into this error of personality cult worship, it behoves those who stand as leaders in the Christian community to put them aright rather than encourage the anomaly for their selfish interests and personal aggrandizement at the expense of the gospel they are charged to preach. They should take a cue from the shining example of the apostle of the Gentiles, St Paul, who immediately rose to the occasion to obliterate that error from the minds of the members of the Corinthian Church when he received reports that such monster had reared its ugly head among them. Paul considered it such an important issue, that he had to particularly address it in his first letter to that Church. (cf 1 Corinthians 10-13). Religious leaders of our time are therefore expected to stick to this example of the Apostle Paul, and stop making themselves objects of worship instead of Christ, whose message of the gospel, they have been commissioned to carry to the ends of the earth and win candidates for the beatific vision.

Religious leaders of our time are therefore expected to stick to this example of the Apostle Paul, and stop making themselves objects of worship instead of Christ, whose message of the gospel, they have been commissioned to carry to the ends of the earth and win candidates for the beatific vision


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