Keep avoiding those allergies

Our bodies are different and react differently to allergies and intolerances. An allergy is the rection of the body when it comes in contact with anything that it judges as dangerous, even when it is not.  

Our immune system produces antibodies that help us fight diseases and strange things that the body does not understand. If a body judges a particular foreign contact as dangerous, it will produce what is known as allergens to fight the foreign substance whenever it comes in contact with it.  Once a human body comes in contact with the thing for which our body has developed an allergen, the antibody (allergen) will fight back and in doing so provoke visible reactions which we call allergies.

Most people will have an allergy for something they touch, eat, or expose themselves to (for a beginner’s understanding of allergies and how to manage them, see the article here.)

On this introductory note, however, it is enough to know that allergies affect our fitness and health; in extreme cases, not attending to them could lead to death from any of three major causes, namely, the food we eat, the medications we take, and our exposure to insect stings.

Any of this can lead to anaphylaxis – a life threatening medical emergency that manifests in shock – and even death. Also note that that there are allergens that can induce asthma through the things we take in from the air. The risk of getting lung and ear infections are also increased for those who have hay fever or asthma.

Finally, do you have a family history of asthma or hay fever? This is the time to take stock of what you need to do medically to stay fit and healthy.


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