Be alert to system changes

Do you know that more than 50 percent of people in the word live with chronic diseases? Before now, you didn’t have to be afraid if living with a chronic disease because one can live longer by carefully planning one’s diet.

Today, however, the world is battling with ravages of invisible enemies that science is trying to understand and cage before they destroy creation. The latest of such enemies is the Covid-19 pandemic. Before, we were told that the endangered species of humans whose immunity cannot withstand the onslaught of the new Coronavirus are the aged and those with pre-existing health conditions. Now, no one is sure any more because babies and young adults are also dying in numbers from the contagion.

One thing everyone is sure of is that there are health protocols that one needs to follow in order to avoid contracting the virus. Washing hands, avoiding large crowds, and taking immunity-boosting food and drinks are some of them known remedies that we have tried to highlight and which you can find in our special Covid-19 reports archives.


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