The National Plastic Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Project (The NP3R Project, for short) is an operation and advocacy project to eradicate the harmful effects of plastic pollution in our communities. It is conceived by Mulltia Ltd (publishers of Enugu Metro) as a community social responsibility project under its Community Safety Initiative.

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to become the catalyst for achieving clean and healthy community environments, free from microplastics pollution in Nigeria. Our mission is to facilitate efficient management of microplastic pollution in Nigerian communities.

How we Work

Enugu Metro partners with other media organisations, public authorities, recycling businesses, and schools on each community NP3R project. Partners team up to promote and encourage safe environmental health practices through plastics disposal. This ultimately leads to eradication of microplastic health and environmental risks.

Our Partners


Project Facilitators

We work with Federal, States and the Local Governments nationwide on The NP3R Project. Partners focus exclusively on eradication of dangerous microplastics pollution.


Project Managers

Enugu Metro is the coordinator and chief facilitator of the NP34 Project. It works with other media partners to provide visibility and deliver the publicity component of the project.


Plastics Off-takers

Recycling companies are critical to the project as they provide primary offtake of used plastics for recycling. We are in talks with local recycling companies to take off in the last quarter of 2023.

The Microplastics Problem

In this article, Ifechi Anikwe, an environmental activist, highlights scientific findings on the dangers of single-use plastics worldwide:

  • First, no matter how disposed, plastics find their way into water bodies and back into the human food chain. We end up drinking them through contaminated water or consuming them with toxicated seafood.
  • Second, plastics decomposing on roadsides and landfills give out dangerous gases that mix with the air we breathe,. They also dissolve into microplastics that can lead to cancer. Additionally, they produce chemicals and radiations that multiply quickly to damage plant, animal and aquatic life.
  • Third, chemicals used to produce plastics are toxic, causing infertility, birth defects, cancer and brain damage in humans. They also destroy ecosystems that sustain animal life, and suffocate marine species that constitute seafood for humans.

The NP3R Solution

The goal of Mulltia’s NP3R initiative is to reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) plastics to eliminate microplastics pollution in Nigeria.

Mulltia CSR executes the NP3R pilot project through Enugu Metro, its online utility news and local connections platform. Enugu Metro, in turn, executes in partnership with other media, public authorities, high schools, volunteers, and recycling companies.

The Mulltia CSR NP3R Project is a consumer plastic use advocacy project to manage the risks of microplastic pollution in Nigerian communities.

Mulltia CSR

Project Cycle

There are four phases to each project, as outlined below. Phase I is start to finish activity, but managers can sequence others as start-to-start activities.

  • PHASE I: Local research. This phase includes surveys, opinion polls and focus groups. The goal is to understand target community consumer plastic use behavior and patterns of single-use plastic disposal habits.
  • PHASE II: Advocacy and publicity on single-use consumer pollution. It is the sensitization of target community residents on the 3R of plastic management for health.
  • PHASE III: Construction and installation of Plastic Bins. This includes installation, maintenance, and disposal of plastic bins at high footfall areas in target locations.
  • PHASE IV: Management of Recycle Rangers & NP3R Volunteers. Enugu Metro recruits volunteers and facilitates formation of Recycle Clubs in high schools to guide singe-use plastic behaviour.

Enugu Pilot Project

Our plan is to launch the pilot project in Enugu not only because it is our host community but also because the government provides the enabling environment.

The Gov Peter Mbah administration in Enugu State promotes creative initiatives to efficiently manage waste disposal in the Coal City. This effort presents an opportunity to scale the current waste management efforts. Doing this will add to the productivity basket and assist the effort to grow Enugu GDP to a target $30billion.

Here are potential cash cows from implementation of an efficient waste management system in Enugu:

  • Enugu in a pristine state will attract tourists and improve revenue earning potentials of both government and local businesses.
  • Properly-managed wastes present an opportunity to boost the economy of Enugu State through renewable energy from wastes.
  • A focused separation of plastics from wastes helps to eradicate microplastics risks for residents and visitors. Significantly, this equally boosts waste-to-wealth opportunities for recycling businesses.

Gov Peter Mbah has activated at least two waste-to-wealth opportunities within three months in office:

  • By signing the Enugu State Electricity Law., the Governor created an environment for generation of renewal energy from wastes.
  • By sustaining an efficient waste disposal system, the Governor created another waste-to-wealth opportunity through recycling.

Efforts such as The NP3R Project enable partner governments to manage microplastics pollution as both a citizen health imperative and a waste-to-wealth opportunity.

Join our Cause

Chat with us on WhatsApp to learn the many ways you can contribute to this Cause. You can play many roles. Sponsor. Plastic waste off-taker. School proprietor organizing a student environmental club. Media Partner. Volunteer. Start something worthy; Chat with us now.

Safety Partners

Community Safety Partners are committed to complement efforts to protect neighbourhoods from crime and help each other feel safer


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