Enugu Metro TOP Community is an exclusive intellectual discussion for those who apply and are screened for their powers of articulation. Members apply their brainpower to articulate challenges and proffer practical solutions to issues commonly identified as The Trouble With Nigeria.

Not everyone is invited to join. For the most part, registrants are recommended by members before they are screened. In other cases, anyone who is a registered user of Enugu Metro can request to be screened to join through this page. Enugu Metro Editor will be happy to forward applications but has no influence over the decision to admit to this exclusive virtual club. Enugu Metro Editor is not a member of the Club.

Interested registrants complete two steps to join. They sign up as a member of the Enugu Metro family by registering as a user on the website. Thereafter, they fill a membership application form. Potential registrants who apply are subsequently screened and successful registrants will be invited to join via an email link or manually registered by a relationship officer. They must accept the email invitation to access the Home Page and other restricted content of TOP Community.

Check out all the community membership opportunities available for members of Enugu Metro Family.


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