In this article, Jachimma Anikwe explores why your average bachelor’s degree may be irrelevant right now in today’s world.

Will a bachelor degree become irrelevant? The conventional wisdom has always been that a four-year degree will lead to a more successful career. However, that may be changing as more employers are focusing on skills over education.

The general notion of society is that you need to go to University to be successful. However, the main value of a Nigerian University education is the massive exclusion propounded by admission boards. Added to this is the belief that if you struggle and suffer to attain a feat, then it’s all the more valuable.

There is some truth that having a bachelor’s degree increases your jobs and earnings potential. Yet it is also important to note that not all jobs require you to have sat in a classroom for 4+ years. Sometimes it just requires you to be creative, skilled or in good standing with the right people.

Having a degree in Business currently stands as just a prerequisite in the workforce. While your job will most likely require a Bachelor’s degree, it probably won’t matter what field it is in. Yes, certain fields yield higher incomes, but your major does not need to align with the industry. For instance, you don’t have to study business to be a consultant.

According to recent research, 62% of recent university graduates are working in jobs that require a degree. Still only 27% of university graduates are working in a job that relates to their major. In Nigeria, old timey employers publish a list of requirements for an entry job which usually include a bachelor’s degree, an age limit, completion of one year mandatory service to the nation and some years of experience.

Degree may be irrelevant

The global world doesn’t care about your degree as much as your work ethic and attitude. Employers want to know that you will be able to learn quickly, fit into the workplace environment, and be responsive to the task at hand.

For these reasons, 93 percent of employers believe critical thinking, communication and problem solving skills are more important than a job candidate’s undergraduate field of study. Furthermore, 95 percent of employers are looking for candidates whose skills translate into out-of-the-box thinking and innovation. This is because many of the jobs being filled today come with challenges that are more complex than in the past.

The varsity benefit

To be sure, attending a University is a wonderful way to learn soft skills if you apply yourself properly. There is the opportunity to explore different interests and hobbies. You can learn about discipline, time management and building social and professional relationships. Or take advantage of the opportunities you have as an undergraduate to pursue interesting internships. And you can get involved in student organizations, and volunteer for causes you are passionate about.

In the final analysis however, other accomplishments on your resume may turn out more powerful than your actual degree. This is because through them, employers see that you are motivated, passionate, and involved.

Bachelor’s degree may be irrelevant and here’s why

  • About the Author

Jachimma Anikwe

  • Jachimma is completing a marketing degree course in the university. She’s also affiliated as a Media and Content Creator/Writer with a FinTech startup.


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